Let’s dive in to my Aurora HDR 2019 review to see if you should be using it to edit your HDR images here in 2023. Now Aurora HDR 2019 is out and the improvements keep rolling in. and for many, that software is called Aurora HDR. Most HDR photographers choose to go elsewhere for the actual exposure-combining and initial editing, not to mention a Lightroom alternative that doesn’t have a monthly subscription fee…. While both Lightroom and Photoshop have the ability to combine the exposures for you, the image they come out with is generally lackluster and still needs a lot of post-processing to really make shine.

However, not all HDR programs are the same. Good software can also take a single Raw image and expand an image’s tonal range through tone mapping. Use code shotkit10neo to save $10 at checkout.

Luminar Neo HDR Merge provides all the capabilities of Aurora 2019 plus additional powerful editing features to take your images to the next level.