Where Tales of Phantasia really innovated upon initial release was its battle system. The story is pretty standard fare, but it has likable characters and it’s somewhat interesting to follow so I have no major problems with it. The two set out to get revenge, but are swept into a grand old story which eventually leads them to save the world from an evil sorcerer named Dhaos. One day while on a routine hunting mission he and his friend Chester return to find that their hometown has been burned down, and everyone within it has been slaughtered. You play as a young warrior named Cress who lives in a small village within a fantasy medieval world.

This game follows your standard Japanese RPG formula. Normally I don’t mind the free to play format but it’s ridiculous here. Unfortunately Namco Bandai screwed up this release in some pretty major ways, and it’s even worse than the Game Boy Advance version. What was even more unusual was that they were translating and releasing the title worldwide, and it now followed the free to play mobile formula. When Namco announced a port of Tales of Phantasia for iOS it was pretty surprising news. Unfortunately this suffered major issues and it’s impossible to recommend it with a straight face. Despite fans best efforts it wouldn’t be until a decade later that a port of this game would be officially translated and released in North America on the Game Boy Advance. Thank you for all of your support throughout the years - CoolROM will continue strong.Tales of Phantasia is one of the more famous Japanese role playing games released for the Super Famicom that never came out stateside. We feel we have reached this goal and helped cure more cases of nostalgia than we could have ever imagined.

From the very beginning, our goal was to allow users to re-live classic moments from video games that they have lost and cannot purchase anymore. We are very grateful to have served the emulation community for so many years and to have CoolROM still exist today. This page has been removed due to a request from Nintendo of America Inc.