Your SKAdNetwork conversion value schema will be highly specific to your business and app. We also plan to introduce the ability to utilize your SKAdNetwork schema to optimize your tCPI, tCPA, and tROAS bidding in app install campaigns. Note: If you are a Google-only customer or intending to utilize your conversion value schema for Google only, in 2023, Google Analytics 4 will be launching tools to easily set up and utilize your schema. Your schema can only be set up in one place and will then need to be integrated with your Google Ads account for campaign optimization, more on that below. Today, you can set up your SKAdNetwork conversion value schema for in-app event measurement through a Google-approved App Attribution Partner. Set up your schema for in-app event measurement This schema is a means to designate which in-app events matter to your business. Particularly, to measure in-app event performance and more effectively optimize your campaigns for post-install actions or a target return on your ad spend, we recommend app advertisers to set up their SKAdNetwork conversion value schema. SKAdNetwork helps app advertisers measure their ad activity, such as impressions, clicks, and app installs, on an aggregated level and has become increasingly important to app advertisers in assessing their iOS campaign performance.

As the industry moves away from individual identifiers, particularly with the rollout of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) policy, multiple forms of measurement have emerged for iOS App campaigns, particularly SKAdNetwork, Apple's new attribution solution.